Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Who Is Jesus?"

I'm baaaaack.  Up to this point, our bible study class has negotiated a couple of amazing topics that have been as challenging as they have been liberating.  We started out with SEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE, then jumped right into RELATIONSHIPS IN THE BIBLE.  This next series will consist of an exploration of the canonical gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) to uncover the answer to the historical question, WHO IS JESUS?  Along with the reading of each of the aforementioned gospels, I've added two additional books; "Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time," by Marcus Borg; and "Who Is Jesus?," by John Dominic Crossan.

Have no doubt, some of my previous suppositions will find their way into this bible study series - I wouldn't be Rev. Dorinda G. Henry if they didn't.  But first, a word of caution; Although I am a Christian, I am also a woman of the world.  I have an appreciation, reverence and respect for all World Religions and enjoy the tasty treats each of them bring to the table of theological discourse.  I have engaged in various forms of prayer, meditation and ceremonial rituals that are not germane to our Western understanding of Christianity.  As we journey throughout this next adventure, you will find that the man they called "Jesus" did also.

So, get your books, do your reading, sit back and relax.  And while it might get a little bumpy - like Harriet Tubman, the "conductor" of the underground railroad, be encouraged, because I've never lost a passenger.  See ya next week.

Rev. Dorinda G. Henry
© Dorinda G. Henry, 2010


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