Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"When Morning Comes"

"We  will return to our regular scheduled program later in the week, but first, a word from our sponsor..."

Hello...  Rev. Henry here; I just wanted to stop in to share a few thoughts with you.  Admittedly after the holidays, I'm more than a little worn out, so this post is going to be short and sweet - or quick and dirty, whichever one suits your fancy.  If what I've heard from a couple of my readers is true, it will be a nice break from my other "long winded" postings.  To that I say, "Whatever!  I'm a writer - and writers write so >:p~ on you!"  But seriously, 2010 has come and gone.  It was a very interesting year to say the least.  I experienced some very high highs and some very low lows.  I've gained and lost friends and in a couple of instances, the friends I gained were the same friends I lost - thankfully not to death, but certainly as a friend no more.  But as the song goes, "Time is filled with swift transition."  And while those losses may not have been due to physical deaths, they are nevertheless "deaths" of another kind.

In my experiences, I have found that it is often times necessary for God to shut, bolt and lock the door on people, situations and relationships in order for me to move in the direction and onto the path S/HE has for me.  I don't recommend this level of stubbornness, because its companions are distress, frustration, hurt, disappointment, disrespect, depression and anger.  All of which have the potential to cause life threatening diseases.  Therefore, I come to this post as one who has decided to live, and to live, love and laugh abundantly.  So, if you find this post causing you to yawn a little, I understand...  Really I do, but hear me as I say this in the best Clark Gable voice this bald-headed, black woman in Atlanta, Georgia could muster up - "Frankly my dear; I don't give a damn."  Because through it all, and in spite of the ups and downs, the ins and outs - through all of the wasted time of sitting in and watching contrived exhibitions of Christian piety, the tomfoolery and buffoonery, God has been good to me.  And, as a faithful woman, I believe we have to go through some tough times to enjoy the good times - that we have to wade in some dirty, stale, stank, and funky waters to get to the other side - to get to freedom.  We may not always understand, or see "what the end is g'on be," but we have to run on to the end and trust that God knows what's best for us.

As I say goodbye and goodnight to 2010, and to the many "deaths" I've experienced, I am comforted in knowing that when morning comes, it brings with it the dawning of a new day, new possibilities, new friendships, new situations, new relationships and new opportunities to get it right, to say it right, to do it right.  Gone are the proverbial shackles on my feet that held me in a state of  perpetual bondage.  I's free now!  And like Harriet Tubman, I'm g'on see how many mo' slaves I's can help get free. 
© Dorinda G. Henry, 2011



  1. OOOOhhhhhh.........Damn right, Rev. Henry! Enjoy that freedom from many years of dirty, stale, stank, and funky so-called love, cuz when it comes down to it...its you and God. Thank you for being an example of shedding shackles and loving yourself just the way that God made you. Come on people, let's join the shackle shedding revolution and get free! It feels so good on the other side of midnight were God is. Happy New Year!
