Friday, February 4, 2011

"That's Entertainment"

Yeah I know this posting is a bit late...  You know I have an excuse.  Don't I always?  Yeah, well, I really don't this time.  The week got away from me and, like many of you, I've been glued to the TV watching our brothers and sisters in Egypt crying out for an end to oppressive rule.  So, forgive me and just know that a new post will be up and ready for you all on Monday. 

Not only that, but this week is Brunch and A Movie...  You all know that our bible study class is Reading The Bible Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg.  Of course that requires us to do what???  Read the bible again.  We've successfully walked through the dusty roads of Genesis and are now climbing up and out of Exodus.  And you all know that it was only a matter of time before we had another movie night, so...  Whoop dere it is!  Of course we couldn't do a "Movie Night" per se because of the Superbowl - a girl's gotta be flexible with her flock, so we're having Brunch and A Movie.  Now surely I don't have to tell you what we are watching do I?  I did just mention that we are climbing out of Exodus, so you know we have to watch Cecil B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments," staring Charlton Heston - God rest his soul - the most popular proponent of the NRA (National Rifle Association).  And, in a skirt no doubt!  I mean really, how could you not want to watch this movie now - with your new critical lenses on of course.  The movie also stars Anne Baxter and Yul Brenner - who happens to be one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen.  Good God Almighty...  Whoa Lawd!  Whatchu say...  I'm getting all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.

Anyhue, see ya next week where we catch up with Moses after he descends from Mount Sinai (The Mountain of God) in a pair of sandals no doubt, glowing and looking crazy, carrying two stone tablets in his hands inscribed with ten laws from God by which the people are to live - also said to have been written with God's own finger.  This is gonna be good.

See ya next week.  Oh, and if you don't have it, rent the movie and be in solidarity with us as we stand in solidarity with the freedom fighters in Egypt.  Regardless of where you stand on this issue, the people must be allowed to choose their leader.

In the name of justice, freedom and peace - Tell Ole Pharaoh to LET MY PEOPLE GO!
© Dorinda G. Henry, 2011


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