Friday, April 1, 2011

"As With A Woman"

"...  Did you know somebody almost got away wit me/
me in a plastic bag under their arm/
me dangling on a string of personal carelessness/..."

Hello there!  Did you miss me?  You had better say "Yes!"  I missed you sumptn terrible.  Okay, here's the skinny....  "Somebody almost walked off wid alla my stuff!"  For real! they almost walked off wid alla my stuff!  If you are like me and you use your computer for EV-ER-Y-THING, and suddenly, some smarty pants with way too much sense for his/her own good invades your computer space and leaves a nasty little bug that threatens to separate you from all of your stuff - then you understand exactly what I mean.   I was temporarily knocked down and my computer had to spend some time at the "clinic" to get the nasty bug out of its system.  But "Sofia home now..."

Yes, it has been a few weeks since my last post and since I know you all have struggled through the very exciting and engrossing book of Leviticus, you also know that it has been misused, misinterpreted and exploited by prejudicially motivated Preachers, teachers, lay-leaders and social and political activist seeking to justify the denial of human rights protections to same-and-both-gender loving people.  Yes, here it is, one of the most overly used, misused, misinterpreted and misunderstood text thrown about to condemn others; "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination" (Leviticus 18:22).  Lord today!  Do you know how tired I am of hearing that scripture?  I mean really.  Every time I hear it, I am struck by the sleepy monster and instantaneously nod off!  I know some of you think and maybe even hope it bothers me and for that, but I'm sorry to disappoint you.  Because it simply does not.  Hear me when I say, "not much ever bothers me."  I told you, I ain't never scared.  And by they way, did I ever mention to you that I went to seminary?  Yes?  No?  Well I did, and one of the most memorable lessons I was blessed to learn came by way of an extraordinary New Testament scholar, who in one statement, blew this whole bible thing wide open for me.  He said simply, and I paraphrase - "If it's in the bible or if there is some admonishment against it, it is because it was a prevalent occurrence."  That is to say that it was a common practice.  Practices that generated cultic/holiness codes that were culturally and contextually conditioned.  They were not intended to be and cannot be binding outside the culture and context in which they were understood and originated.  

Now if we consider the text, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination," with a contemporary understanding applied to it, at the very least, it  begs the question(s); What exactly does that mean?  Does it apply to women?  Were they not laying with each other or, did it not matter?  And, could men lie with men in other ways?  Surely you know I want to and could go deeper - no pun intended - but I'll let you sit with that and enjoy the exploration all by yourself.  Send me a message and tell  me all about it.  ;) ;)

Moving right along...  Legislation has been introduced and passed.  Elections have been won and lost on the mere inference of the mysterious threat that two adult same-gender-loving people wanting to enter into a lifetime covenant with one another pose to the "sacred" institution of marriage.  If it is so "sacred," and if the aforementioned text in the book of Leviticus is one of the strongest religious arguments for depriving individuals of their human rights and privileges, where is the legislation banning divorce?  Why is it so easy to end a marriage?  I haven't heard of any legislation being introduced banning bald-headed men from becoming Priest or approaching the sanctuary either.  And while I'm at it, where's the legislation restricting anyone, for that matter, with any manner of skin blemish, or physical deformity or handicap from going near the sanctuary (vv. 21:16-20)?  Hell I think I might run for office just to introduce legislation that would ban anyone from approaching "a woman to uncover her nakedness while she is in her menstrual uncleanness" (v. 18:19).  It might save somebody's life!  I'm jes sayn...  All of these and more are listed as abominations.

But seriously, much in the way society, church, family structures and yes, even kindred spirits converge to steal away pieces of us with little to no care of the void they leave behind,  so too is their use of the bible.  They carelessly hurl about some callous and hateful quip about something they know little to nothing about.  Such has been used to harm and to keep a free people shackled in chains of misguided accommodation and a strict adherence to tradition - tradition many have no clue of its origin.  The bible has also been used, misused and even defiled for selfish, political, sexual and economic gain.  Though wounded and shattered, as it is with women, I'm still standing - reclaiming all of my stuff - including God and the sacred text.  No longer may they be used to hurt or to harm others in the name of God or the Holy Spirit.  I'm weary of the lies.  Haven't you heard?  I've taken me back!

"... I'm spattered with mud and city rain/
no I didn't get a chance to take a douche/
hey man/
this is not your prerogative/
I gotta have me in my pocket/
to get 'round like a good woman should/..."
                                           (Ntozake Shange)
© Dorinda G. Henry, 2011


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