Saturday, May 7, 2011

"I Remember Mama"

You know I never realized how many "special days" there were between December and June.  Without a doubt they have played a major part in the postings of this blog.  Never fear, we will get back to our regularly scheduled blogs regarding the process of Reading the Bible Again for the First Time.  Especially since I have serendipitously learned that so-called bishops (little b), with little to no real theological education or training and who in times past, have showed no respect or regard for such, are now attempting to teach the same.  While I wrestled with continuing with the blog as it is, to God be the glory, for it is more important that the information and truth be revealed through as many avenues as possible to bring God's people to a place of mature and authentic faith and an understanding of that faith than my own human frailties.  So, for those of you following along with us in your reading, be informed that we are now squarely in the book of Numbers.  For now, however, I am compelled to do what many of us are doing or preparing to do, and that is to reflect upon, remember and honor our Mothers.

Since 2009, Mother's Day has been one of the most dreaded days of my life.  I was borne of a woman that was ill equipped and prepared to be a mother.  She was young, wild and loose.  Thankfully, she had a mother that would step in in a way unparalleled by most.  My maternal Grandmother (Mama), like many before her, took on the responsibility for my care, nourishment, protection and shelter.  She showed up in my life when my biological mother had chosen to leave and abandon me.  What's more, she took it a step further and legally adopted me - taking total and complete responsibility for my well-being, safety and security.  In an instant, I went from being an abandoned child to a wanted and cared for child.  She spent the rest of her life making sure that I knew and understood what love was and that I indeed, was loved.  Subsequently, I grew up to be a social, cultural, political, religious and spiritual activist that often times found myself in situations that threatened my life.  And as much as she prepared to care for me in life, in like manner, she equally prepared to care for me in death by keeping life insurance on me until the day she died in the event that she lost me to a just cause.  I, however, was never prepared to be in this world without her.  But, as God would have it, S/HE called Mama to return HOME - leaving me here still.

It took some time, but I'll never forget what it is to be lonely and alone.  I'll never forget being borne of a woman who didn't want me.  I'll never forget the sadness felt watching my birth mother walk out on me time and time again.  But thanks be to God, I'll remember, eternally being chosen by a mother to be her child.  I'll remember, eternally, being held and rocked in the bosom of a woman who represented in tangible ways, God with us.  I was her Ruth and she was my Naomi.  So in honor of my Mama, I confess the same vow, "Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you!  Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.  Where you die, I will die - there will I be buried.  May the Lord do thus and so to me, and more as well, if even death parts me from you" (Ruth 1: 16,17)!  Rest easy Mama - I love you - eternally. 

"Now mama is sleeping in the bosom of Jesus Christ
Somehow I know she's smiling, she's smiling on us right now
One day I'll see her again, how happy I will be
And I remember mama in a happy way."
                                             (Shirley Caesar)
© Dorinda G. Henry, 2011



  1. My Dear Rev. Henry. I'm a little miffed by your statement in the first paragraph of your post. I would think that you would be happy to see that your teachings has inspired others to want to spread your interests and teachings to the massess! In spite of how a person may have felt in their beginnings, God can change anyone big "B" or little "b" It all started from you and it is carrying on. Be proud of the fact that you made an impact. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm thankful for your teachings and you inspiring me! Let it go! Onward and Upward!

  2. Anonymous:

    I am amazed, although not surprised that you would attempt to engage me on this matter, and within the context of this blog. But since you did, "Anonymous," let me get you together. 1) If you had read and understood the first paragraph thoroughly and through your "spirit," and not your "ego," you would know that your comment is moot. 2) I am glad, however, that you continue to visit the blog, because I know, by your own admission, that it is where you get your teachings and inspiration. To God be the glory!

    Nevertheless, “Anonymous,” it saddens me, that for more than a decade, you and others, continue to sit under someone whose teachings are substandard and who has not inspired you to do anything but sit there week in and week out, hungry for something real and tangible, or worse, for some fictitious title bestowed upon you that validates your ego and ensures your blind allegiance. Furthermore, since you've brought us to this place, being that you are a follower of a bishop (little b), shouldn't your teachings and inspiration come from him? I would think and hope so.

    Finally, "Anonymous," if you have something to say to me, pick up the phone or send me an email (as you have done in the past), but do not ever attempt to address me in THIS way on THIS blog A-GAIN.

    Rev. Dorinda G. Henry, Pastor
    RIZE Fellowship

    P.S. RIZE UP and BE FREE!
