Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Here Comes the Judge"

Judges:  An Introduction

As we enter the book of Judges, one of the first things you will learn is that contrary to popular belief, Joshua was unable to drive out all the inhabitants of Canaan.  Along with the presence and influence of the neighboring people and their God(s), the wandering people, aka Israel, the "Chosen Ones," are increasingly faced with internal strife and tribal conflict. 

To maintain order and to legitimize rule among the people, God raises up 12 leaders whose leadership was recorded as hit and misses at best.  They were; Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and Samson.  Yep, there he is, one of the most "charismatic" and controversial figures of the bible.  Surprisingly, however, he is considered by scholars as neither a "major," nor a "minor" judge.  He just happens to be associated with a really good story.  But ultimately, the book of Judges is about God taking on a new title and position as the "Universal Judge."  A title, position and duty attributed to the God(s) of the neighboring people of Canaan.  That is to say that faith traditions and practices of the people of Canaan were co-opted by the wandering people known as Israel.  This marks the beginning of the battle of the Deities.  

With that, I'll end this introduction.  Just know that this is going to be an interesting read, so grab your bibles and follow closely, because this ride is full of magical twists, turns, hocus-pocus and disappearing acts that'll have you scratching your head and wondering "wtf?"
© Dorinda G. Henry, 2011


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