Friday, January 13, 2012

"A New Thing"

"Do not remember the former things,
or consider the things of old.
Behold, I am about to do a new thing;

Happy New Year!  Yes, I know that was a long break, but I left you with some great songs, did I not?  Alright then.  Besides, if you've been following this blog, you know I wasn't in the best of moods during the Holidays.  But, 2012 is here and I have wholeheartedly kissed 2011 goodbye.  So, as they adage goes, "Out with old, in with the new."

When we left, we were in the book of Judges and admittedly, I am about to lose my mind!  We should have ran right through Judges, but with life's happenstances - to include, but not limited to surgery and another death in my family - we are still in the middle of that book!  Now I could run on to the end and start up with the next book, Ruth, but I won't.  I'll wait and journey on as we have in times past.  So get to reading and meet me in Judges - somewhere around chapter 7.  In the meantime, however, let's prepare our hearts and minds for something new coming upon the horizon.

We are going to meet some very interesting characters in these next few chapters and upcoming books that will change the way we look at the "Old" or rather, Tradition and the "New," Contemporary.  Times have and are rapidly changing and strangely enough, our journey in Reading The Bible Again for the First Time, is aligning itself right along side of us.  We will soon find out, through our own inquiry, through our own reading and through our own new and critical lenses that even the contemporary debate on marriage will find itself center stage with proponents for marriage equality gaining strength and precedent from the Holy Bible.  Have I wet your lips enough to return?  I sure do hope so.

In the meantime, enjoy one of my favorite gospel songs, Tell him, by Lauryn Hill, one of my favorite artist.  Yes, I did say gospel songs because it is quite spiritual.  This is one of those instances where the Old and the New, Traditional and Contemporary expressions of worship and spirituality met in the middle and created something that raises our senses and spirits to a level that causes us to reach that place of Divine Ecstasy without the Preacher, the Church, the choir or dare I say, self stimulation....  oooohhhh, uh, yeah, yeah, ah yeah....  Uh, ummm, uh huh, uh huh.  ;)

Do you not perceive it?
I will even make a way in the
wilderness and rivers in the desert."
                                      (Isaiah 43:18,19)
©Dorinda G. Henry, 2012